UPRODID & Quality Assurance System
Fax: +39 0862 432236
E-mail: discab.uprodid(at)strutture.univaq.it
Dr. Federica Stagni
Tel: +39 0862 432265
Fax: +39 0862 432236
E-mail: federica.stagni@univaq.it
tel. +39 0862 433597
tel. 0862 432098
tel. 0862 432905
tel. 0862 432239
UPRODID & Quality Assurance System:
- cooperates with the Director of the Department in promoting functioning, organization and management of all didactic activities concerning degree and post-graduate courses, educational events, congresses, and seminars. It answers to the general manager for all the administrative aspects of its activities;
- takes care and controls, within its own remit, all didactic regulations and norms ruling the didactic activities, pursuant to the educational programmes made by the departmental organs;
- supports all actors involved in the AVA process (self-evaluation – periodic evaluation – accreditation);
- promotes and performs the internationalization processes involving the degree courses, in collaboration with the Office of Foreign Relations;
- liaises with stakeholders showing interest in the didactic offer;
- prepares and edits the documents to be approved during the Council of Department, within its own remit;
- maintains relations with the Academic Didactic Councils offering administrative support;
- organizes the admission of students to degree courses with limited number of places;
- prepares the didactic calendars, lesson timetables, annual examination calendars and final proofs;
- collects and maintains the registers of lessons in the archives along with the evaluation forms of the didactic activities filled in by the students;
- supports welcome, orienting and tutoring of students, in collaboration with the departmental delegates;
- organizes the processes of international mobility, in collaboration with the departmental delegates and the Office of Foreign Relations;
- provides for completion of vacancies in the taught programme;
- edits the Guide for Students;
- is responsible for the departmental web site;
- updates, files, and maintains the departmental data concerning the didactic activities; and
- takes the proper actions to ensure that decisions made by the departmental organs, even those with external significance, be implemented.