[Translate to English:] Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Motorie Preventive ed Adattative (LM67)
Info about Course
Second Cycle Degree Course - Class LM67 - 2 years
Degree Programme Director: Prof. Riccardo Di Giminiani
Academic Didactic Council Director: Prof.ssa M.Giulia Vinciguerra
Learning objectives
The Course aims at training autonomous professionals for what concerns decision making skills and updating abilities; competent professionals in the category, able to interact with all the specialists dealing with human health, with a specific orientation towards primary and secondary prevention and motor re-education, especially for elderly and disabled people. The training path provides for the achievement of the following objectives:
1. full mastery of advanced theories on human motor functions and the monitoring in different ages and health conditions, with attention to gender specificities;
2. full mastery of the physical training techniques (included functional assessment, adapted physical activity, motor re-education, recovery of motor skills) and the relevant indications on the basis of documented efficacy tests;
3. mastery of language and notions needed to effectively cooperate with healthcare professionals, with particular reference to the health conditions of the individuals (included possible treatments), the necessity of secondary prevention individual programmes, recovery of motor skills, physical exercise in the context of therapeutic plans and lifestyle changes;
4. strong competence in risk control concerning physical activity, with reference to environmental hygiene and safety, correction of unhealthy or dangerous behaviors, correct approach procedures to individuals or groups;
5. strong competence of the methodologies aimed at promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles, improvement of individual and collective resources of the population in general and of groups like the elderly, in the school and work environments, as well as in the communities, in order to achieve the best health conditions;
6. mastery of language and notions needed to cooperate with the social services, in order to use the physical activity as factor of social integration and inclusion;
7. strong communication skills in both social and individual contexts, as well as in small groups, as integration of the physical training techniques and health promotion methodologies;
8. strong competence in the creative design, realization and evaluation of physical activity programmes addressed to individuals or groups, in relation to the different health, age and gender conditions, in the different above-mentioned contexts, with particular reference to the scientific evidence on the results obtained. The training path provides for frontal lessons, theoretical and practical activities, optional training activities, seminars, internships and work placements.
Admission requirements and professional status:
Open enrollment after first cycle degree in class L22 courses or equivalent recognized diplomas obtained abroad. Students with diploma issued by the Istituto Superiore di Educazione Fisica (ISEF) are submitted to a preliminary evaluation test.
The master’s degree in physical Activity and Exercise for Health prepares autonomous professionals in the design, realization and evaluation of physical activities in every sector (from fitness to activities for disabled people, in schools, sports and healthcare facilities, leisure centers and social support services); where necessary, in multiprofessional groups that manage and treat health problems with physical activity. The profession of expert in physical activities is not regulated by law.